Posts Tagged: squirrel


When everything is grey and triste I wander through some old pics to remind me of brighter days. I met this little rascal three months ago in the old Offenbach cemetery. He was busy looking for something to eat and was surprised by my presence. I hope he has managed to put on some winter fat now that it is getting cold.

Squink jr.

May I introduce: Squik Jr. The weather on Tuesday was terrible. It  had been below 20 degrees at night, but during the day the thermometer shot up to 30 degrees Celcius. The Kogel is in the shade, but also right under the roof. In the evening the little one came out and hung on our awning, very exhausted. A pot of water and a piece of cold watermelon from the coolest part of our fridge and some wallnuts helped a little. Mama Squink kept watch and ran excitedly back and forth while the offspring couldn’t keep its eyes open. I hope it  survives this summer.


Squirrels nest

It was a bit of a shock when my beloved little pine tree on the balcony suddenly had no branches or leaves; as if someone had simply cut it bare and left only the trunk and a few small shoots at the top. At the time I first blamed Nadine and when she denied it, it was my mother’s turn until a few days later I caught a squirrel biting off the branches right at the trunk and carrying them away. Now our birch tree had to suffer and in return we have half a kogel right above our awning and a cheeky young squirrel that took over the balcony yesterday morning. They are cute… but they are also robbers!


I really dig those little critters and I am happy that they become common guest in our gardens and parks. Don’t know if it was me, neglecting my surrounding when I was younger… but no!… they seem to invade the city en masse, lately.

Spent 20 minutes with this one that was very busy jumping around, collecting nuts at Schlosspark/Bürgel. Sadly the light is vanishing quite early already and so there is not much time after work. These fotos were shot on highes ISO and they turned out to be soooooo noisy that I would have kicked them in the virtual dustbin, but once more Topaz Laps turned them into something to show… at least when you don’t zoom in.


black squirrel

One week off, with friends and kids in Schwarzwald. This did not sound like I would have time nor the chance to shoot wild animals at all but these images tell a different story. Fortunately this squirrel was as curious as our kids are and so I had some time to frame the shot. It was used to people and came quite close. The next day, we returned in order to meet it again and we were not disappointed. Besides, squirrels don’t like eating apple that much. 😉

One week off, with friends and kids in Schwarzwald. This did not sound like I would have time nor the chance to shoot wild animals at all but these images tell a different story. Fortunately this squirrel was as curious as our kids are and so I had some time to frame the shot. It was used to people and came quite close. The next day, we returned in order to meet it again and we were not disappointed. It was curious as the day before… at least for half a minute and then started collecting moss for its nest.

Besides, squirrels don’t like eating apple that much. 😉

breakfast at squirrels inn

Little Mr. Nuts is once again out to get his belly full of tasty buds. I am really lucky that this little mischief ist still around, although I bet it is already the third generation…. all documented on this blog

a small prayer

It may be that I repeat myself, picturing all the same animals over and over again…. but winter still keeps us under his control and the sun is on a flying visit. I was just glad to see this old fellow again, jumping over my roof and balcony and finally resting on a nearby tree, enjoying the sun. It looks like it sends a little prayer to the one above that he shall send some warm sunbeams down. Guess we are all fed up with the cold – at least my batteries are empty and need a recharge soon.

winter arrangements

Cold, dark, weather outside, few people in the streets and no sunshine at all. Not the best conditions for a walk, but I just got my cam cleaned at the Weitsichtfestival in Frankfurt. So Ingo and me went to the nearby cemetary and found… well… Mr. Nuts.. ones more. Despite beeing quite bussy getting his inventory full of nuts he seems to be everywhere. Still a welcome model in front of my cam.

mr. nutz

After the great storm last month, many trees around our house vanished. As if this is not enough for our fellow garden inhabitants, we added a hughe winter garden to our home with lots of noise, people, dirt and action going on. So I was very happy to meet my old chap from last year again. Here’s Mr. Nutz… lately he’s been very bussy scaping of branches from a big tree in our garden. Let’s hope there will be some new blood soon.

tired after all

My doc told me to stay at home, drink tea, and put my body to rest, so I decided to put myself on a confotable airmat in the garden – off course not without my camera. Up in the maple branches above me, a huge squirrel was satisfying its hunger and finally took a litlle nap afterwards.

Sad that the red ones living here in germany will be driven out by its grey american relatives. Looks like america is dominant in more ways than just politics.

zak mckracken and the evil squirrels

I always wondered if they really exist! Beeing an avid Zak McKracken player, back in the eighties, Lucas Film Games (Lucas Arts) introduced the two headed squirrel… couldn’t find it throughout Hyde Park, so his single-headed buddy came in handy.