Posts Tagged: nest

Squirrels nest

It was a bit of a shock when my beloved little pine tree on the balcony suddenly had no branches or leaves; as if someone had simply cut it bare and left only the trunk and a few small shoots at the top. At the time I first blamed Nadine and when she denied it, it was my mother’s turn until a few days later I caught a squirrel biting off the branches right at the trunk and carrying them away. Now our birch tree had to suffer and in return we have half a kogel right above our awning and a cheeky young squirrel that took over the balcony yesterday morning. They are cute… but they are also robbers!

Kestrel nest

A hot tip from a photographer in one of my Facebook groups (thanks Thomas!) gave me the pleasure of visiting a kestrel nest from relatively close up.At first the nest box was deserted, because the “little ones” are already quite big and are already flying around. The whole family was sitting on the roofs all around. I think I counted 5 animals.

I lay down behind a bush for 20 minutes, opposite the box, and at least two came by. You a see how tense and  concentrated the youngsters still are, when flying. The morning would be the right time to take photos there, because then you would have the sun at your back… but you have to work. 

Beautiful animals and somehow there is a connection: I’m buying an “e” and would like to fly with it.

buzzards nest

Two weeks ago I took a rest and got a seat in one of the beach chairs around a Gradierbau. Reading on my phone and enjoying the sun that finally made up its mind and came through the clouds, I heard buzzards call a fews times. Suddenly I noticed a huge bird landing in one of the nearby pine trees. I jumped to my camera and turned it on blindly not taking my eyes of the place where the bird landed, approaching it slowly. There it was: a big buzzard, right above a bridge that leads over river Usa and into the south park. A lot of people were minding their business below passing by and this huge, shy bird just sat there, till I came closer and once I got in a good position and plain sight, it noticed me as well. The camera lens, like a big eye pointing at it made him feel uncomfortable and so it flew off quickly.
A couple of days later I noticed that two bustards constantly hitting this tree again and again. Turns out they are building their nest, right at the top of this pine. Wisely they put it where it is hard to spot and no way to take pictures. Privacy rules, even in the land of birds. 


Into the spiders nest

Spiders – hoooh! Scary creatures, but if you take a closer look, they are actually really instresting. They got eight eyes and up to eight legs! Found this tiny nest at my marquee on the balcony. The nest normaly keeps a certain temperature and amount of humidity inside. Lowering the marquee seems to have raptured the hull that gave me this insight. Hopefully they wil make it anyway and keep the mosquitos out of my way.