Posts Tagged: Newquay

starling posing

There are so many different bird species but when it comes to food, you can devide them up into two categories. The ones that vanish as soon as you appear and those that approach you when you have something to eat. Starlings belong to the latter kind.

River Gannel

On the other side – southward – is the river Gannel. At low tide there is not much water left, and everybody and his dog shows up for a walk in this great landscape. We were fascinated and came back more times.

Have you ever seen the rain

We went for a walk… for a long walk actually. Our goal was to hike from Newquay to the Bedruthan Steps. According to some obscure webiste it should have been about only 5.5 miles. First mistake was the tiny difference between miles and kilometers, and the second that we did not looked for another website. Half way towards Mawgan Porth the rain came after us, and got us. Bakholiday was the third mistake, as the busses home won’t go on that day, but that’s another story.

Headland Hotel

First day in the new world… or better the old world. This is Headland Hotel, which opened around 1900 and as we found out later, seemed not have changed that much during all those years. Impressive building at and impressive spot. The brits know how to do it….