Posts Tagged: gull


St.Ives is very touristic and around the harbour you find a lot of food shops, cafes and bars, where you can sit and eat or take away your favs. Also you will find many seagulls that team up in gangs. One or two start pulling the attention towards them and a third fleis by and steals your meal. We withnessed it a couple of times, while sitting in a restaurant…. under the sunroof, off course.

young hering gull

A little experiment taking this gull into the dark. The Idea is not from me, though. German PROFIFOTO Mag featured the work of Stefanie Müller (haven’t got the mag and this is quite a usual name in Germany, so no link here, sorry), who took animal portraits out of the context, namely their surrounding and put it into dim light. I was flashed by those images and tried it myself. So here’s my first attempt, using a young hering gull that I shot this summer on Sylt. The image wasn’t that sharp which keeps it from getting that brilliant look I aimed for. I’ll keep trying.

hot spot

When we arrived at Bergen, weather was all bad. It was raining buckets and girls gave away raincapes, branded with the logo of a noble cafe – saved our day. They know their tourists quite well.

On a pole right across the mainstreet, a gull took a rest on a latern. Guss it was warm an cosy from beneath.


When I look through my pictures from last weeks holiday it looks like I am obsessed about birds. I never thought about it but half of my shots show birds.

My favorite species are gulls. They are really great, acrobatic fliers, resourceful and highly-intelligent birds and they tend to get along with humans quite well. Some seem to live by stealing food from people that pay not much attention to the sky above. We wittnessed an old couple that got rid of their icecream, ripped off by a younger gull. This fellow was definately one of the calmer ones and passed me silently and speeded up, when it noticed my lens pointing its direction.