Posts Tagged: moon

Mr. Moon

From time to time I just have to shoot the moon. As much as I love the song by Mando Diao I do love the moon itself. Still unbelievable that humans have already been there. Fun fact: According to the Lunar Society I do own a claim up there, about the size of two soccer fields. Well… unlikely that I will be up there any time soon. Till than the pictures will have to last.



back to the moon

They do it again! NASA announced to get people back on the moon in 2020. I still look up to that big, fat rock and wonder if they really had been there in the first place. On TV they said that Apollo 11 left a mirror up there that can be focused with a laser on a certain time a day and will reflect the light directly to earth. Let’s face it: If China keeps up the pace of their economic growth and their ambitious space prgramm, the taiconauts wil be the first to find out and I bet they will not keep this as a secret. Mr. Moon…. ta ta ta taa…

Mr. Moon

“…Another peace or so and now they don’t need you,
Mr Moon, Mr Moon, Mr Mooooooooooooon. …” – Mr. Moon – Mando Diao

The nice moon over Eggberge. He lit me my way back when returning quite drunken from a late night excursion. I still wonder how I could keep the cam straight without too much tiltiing as I had no tripod.