Hey. I’m Falk.
Computers, computers, computers… ahh, there is more… photography, martial arts and my family of course.
Computers take up the major part of my life and I collected everything that has to do with’em, right when I got my C64, back in 1986. The last seven years, I have been a member of the Digital Retro Park Team (acutally founded it) and stuck my head even deeper in the matter of computer history and most of my projects deal with recreating the experiences from the old days.
Besides all things digital I grew up with a garden, sandbox, dirt and hiking trips. Dipping my feet into nature photography, brought back the other side of me and trained my eyes not to only to count pixels. See the otehr blog… cahoonah.com
Tinkering with stuff and finding out how things work has always been me. So putting cahoonah on the map of the world wide web is just another “can I do this” thing, that I started quite early on. Around 1997, while still studying, I stuck my head into Dreamweaver and the brand new Flash, went on and took a look at Typo3 and ended up with WordPress. Considering this page as just another of too many of my projects, it gets updated not very often and mostly lost its edge to facebook.
Nontheless this is kind of my digital diary, where I keep track of the things I do. Sharing thing online has the benefit of getting feedback, help and probably some good hints and advices. On top of it, it shows the rest of the world, what I am doing and I hope it is so much fun browsing this site, as creating the things that is written about. So on top of it all: HAVE FUN!
Hi Falk,
I’m a media studies professor at the University of Pittsburgh. We have started an initiative here to scan all of the Magnavox Odyssey games (overlays, gameboards, cards, etc.) and make them available for anyone online. We think that overlays should be rendered in vector graphics, which you have done beautifully for the original 11. We’re going to be working on the later games to give them a similar treatment.
I have a couple of questions for you. First, may we have your permission to host copies of your vector overlays if we give you full credit? We want to build the authoritative Odyssey web site, and we would like to display your work without having to duplicate it.
Second, would you be willing to share your original Illustrator files with us? We would like to use some elements (your original tube TV frame guide, for example) as templates during for our own work? That could save us some time “reinventing the wheel” on our current work for the public.
Finally, if we run into some vector shapes that my students just can’t replicate, would you be interested in working on any more if we were to provide you with a higih-resolution overlay image?
Dear Zach,
I would love to lay my hands on the rest of the missing overlays… time is a missing factor these days, but I usually tend to get things done quickly as soon as I get hooked again. If you can forward me your scans, or even your traced vectors. I would be really happy. Little Secret: You can just open my PDFs in Illustrator, or even rename it to .ai. 😉