Posts Tagged: peacock

Lord Shen

A few days off and out to the Edersee, in a small hut, on the beautiful paradise campsite. Turns out that there are not only the usual farm residents, but also two male peacocks and one of them is this wonderful albino. No matter who came by, no matter what squeaked and whistled… he answered and courted. Take a close look at him… if it weren’t for his jewelry, he would actually be pretty ugly. Nature knows how to package things beautifully.



It is mating season in the land of peacocks and their high pitched cry is omnipresent when you wander through the Zoo in Frankfurt. This Indian Peafolw thought it might be a good idea to climb a tree and shout from atop, although they typically stay on the ground. Let’s face it: He is looking that good up there, that it’s fine that he left his normal surrounding. The ladys will be amused.