Posts Tagged: berlin


Did you know that 388 million people are using the public means in berlin every year. So in order to get to know the real Berliner, you have to take the public transportation… really. Here you can witness the best stories that no Spielberg or Lucas can tell.
I really do like the lighting in this shot. The sun was bounced back from the houses on the opposite roadside and gave everything a warm and friendly touch.


This is another one from our trip to Berlin. Two ladies chilling, enjoying the first warm sun beams of the year. Lazy me totally missed the blooming season. As soon as my bike is fixed, I am out again and will post new stuff… promissed.

lucky place to be

Our trip to Berlin was great and we strolled the streets alot. Passing this shop with the headless bear in front of it and a sticker on the showcase saying “lucky place to be”…. that’s Berlin!